I want to start off by saying that I know absolutely nothing about motors. After Saturday I can honestly say the respect I have for people that do has grown ten fold.
As we looked at a 60 year old motor we determined that it was a Ford motor. That helped huge in figuring out how to fix it. The chances of fixing this old motor, however, began with the following text scenario:
Candace: "Gary, do you have a shop vac?"
Gary: "Its in the back of my truck with the jerry can of gas."
(note: The gas was for the motor once we got it running)
Candace: "Mike says you may be a bit optimistic.."
Pat, Mike, Candace and I decided to give it the old "college try" and see if we could get the old girl purring again. The chances were not good and got worse early in the morning once we got the plugs out...

As you can see they didn't look so good. In fact, this was the best of the bunch.
Once the plugs were out, the guys did a mini-inspection and discovered signs of possible cylinder damage in one of the cylinders which could seriously stop the project in its tracks. Oh, and there also was this little issue of the fact that the motor was seized....
The guys poured lubrication into the motor and decided we should store the truck for a couple of weeks and let the oil sink in in the hopes that things would loosen up. A bit of a set back for sure as winter is fast approaching.
As we began to wrap things up for the day, we evaluated the potential issues with the truck motor:
1) Head gasket
2) Damaged cylinder
3) Electrical issues
4) Carburetor
5) Clutch
6) Basically anything else
We decided as a plan B going forward that we would begin the put the feelers out for a replacement motor. I, however, knew deep down that the truck still had some surprises left in her....
Mike decided that IF there was any motor damage, the fact that it's seized means that we really couldn't do any more. He decided that we should try to "break" it meaning pull on the truck in gear and see if the motor loosens up.
After about 3 attempts in the museum parking lot we determined that the rear, which was locked up, needed pavement to get resistance enough to break the seized motor.
Pat hooked the truck up and with Mike at the wheel gave it one last try.....and with a "pop" the motor freed up! I gave them all the "I told you so" look which would eventually be the common theme for the rest of the day.
Now the motor was free.......would it start?

I made a trip over to Gilbert's Auto Parts in Lumby and after opening a bunch of old books, we found plugs that would work. Quite the difference eh?
As I was there, Mike and Pat hooked the motor up to power and discovered the starter motor worked just fine. Insert "I told you so" look here.
Next came HOURS of trying to figure out how to get "a spark" as the electrical system wasn't so good. Trial and error after trial and error meant that the next step was to find a new "coil" which was the next adventure...
KBM Auto in Lumby is always there for the community. They're there for each and every event we have, not to mention they're coaches, volunteers and donors. These guys bleed Lumby.
The next hour consisted of climbing through old vehicles looking for a replacement part for the fire truck and low and behold, on Bill's personal old truck, was the coil. Bill pulled it off for the firetruck! Those that know the Maltman family know that this is just another example of how great this family is.
We then hooked up the new coil, cursed, swore, bumped, pulled, pushed, swore some more, and then something magical happened....
Pretty amazing stuff. Insert "I told you so" look here.....